Prime SC 2.2″/3.0″ M4 (Super Soft) Tires

SKU: PL10113-03 Category:

165,00 kr.

Prime SC 2.2″/3.0″ M4 (Super Soft) Tires for SC Trucks and SC Buggies Front or Rear


This is a pair of Prime SC Tires. Many indoor off-road race tracks have turned to carpet or pure clay style dirt in search of ultimate traction, eliminating the need for traditional treaded tires. Pro-Line’s all new Prime tires are targeted directly at racers currently running full “slick” tires, saving them from having to grind treaded tires down while delivering improved performance.Pro-Line’s Prime tires feature unique grooves that add traction and stability when the track is freshly watered or when there is a slight layer of thin dust that would cause a traditional “slick” tire to spin. The raised treaded portion of the Prime tire has a distinctive rough surface texture similar to a ground “slick” tire and makes the Prime tire have the maximum performance right out of

Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg